
I am XXX, I have done affiliate over 1 year, the main way is to use the high popularity forum and buy the advertisement of website or blog to promote offer.For example,  if I want to done an offer about a game or dating, I will find out related keywords with game(or dating), such as gamer,game news(dating,adult game,adult xx date and^) and other related keywords,then I will search these keywords through google.com to find high popularity BBS to release information using an arresting headline to attract the users to complete the task of offer, meanwhile I will find related sites and blogs to buy advertisements,the users bring by these network traffic is very accurate, the conversion rate is relatively high.For example,I contact the owner of the blog to buy the position of the advertisment and make a game image and a offer lead page, then named a eye-catching title, through the result from the website ,user clicks is very high.

I have attached the results of my other league 。

From affpaying.com ,I know that you have the offer I want to promote, meanwhile the payment cycle is also faster. Please approve my account,I want to promote it as soon as possible!


