这篇文章我来给大家讲一讲国外广告联盟赚钱的流程和一些小细节。 1.正规国外广告联盟操作流程 第一步:建网站(如果有其他流量渠道如 social media 的流量是不需
I am XXX, I have done affiliate over 1 year, the main way is to use the high popularity forum and buy the advertisement of website or blog to promote offer.For example, if I want to done an offer about a game or dating, I will find out related keywords with game(or dating), such as gamer,game news(dating,adult game,adult xx date and^) and other related keywords,then I will search these keywords
如果自己没网站,可以使用假站批号法。如果你想批游戏类联盟,你可以上Google,然后搜索Free Flash Game 之类的关键词,别找前几页的,因为太出名了
公司身份去申请联盟 Often imitated, never duplicated, I wrote the book on getting new marketers approved to CPA networks and though many have copied my strategies and taken credit for them on other forums 经常被模仿,从未被超越 ,我写了一本关于新的营销人员批准CPA
花花世界的流量源非常多,更新换代也很常见,请自行测试。 PoP流量 PropellerAds 很多人都在用的平台 Adcash 大佬们都在用的流量源之一 Popads 老牌Pop联盟之一 Popcash 历史悠久
CJ:Commission Junction 网址:https://www.cj.com/ 大多数人都知道的联盟,但还是列进来了。 LS:LinkShare 网址:
Affiliate Markting是国外网赚项目当中,在线赚取额外收入并让人们了解业务产品最受欢迎的方式之一,那么如果我们要去寻找不同的Affiliate Network